
DinoBites Weighted Plush Toys

Created by MangoPopArt

Step into the colorful realm of DinoBites! We present a captivating line of weighted stim-friendly paleo plush toys with a tasty twist!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

3 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 09:11:07 AM

Surveys are officially here!!!

Thank you again to everyone who has been so patient with me during this process! I have just sent outnall the surveys so please keep your eyes peeled in your emails for them! If you have any questions please reach out!

The pre order store is open as well for those who didnt get to pledge or wanted to add more cuties to the crew!!

Survey's are on there way!
4 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 02:53:51 PM

Thank you all again for helping support this project! I'm so happy and excited to bring it to life! As of right now I am working in the background to set everything up so each detail is as accurate and easy for you as possible! <3 I'm currently individually adding the taxes and shipping rates for each state and country ( And boy are my fingers tired!)! 
Once this portion is done, I should have the pre order shop up and running as well as the surveys sent your way, so you can punch in all your desired Dinobites and add ons!

Thank you so much for being so patient through this, as my first kickstarter, its a bit of a learning curve but I am doing my best to be as thorough as possible <3

Ill make a post as soon as the surveys are sent out so be sure to check back in!

See you soon!

5 months ago – Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 09:08:42 AM

Diablo the Pepper Carno has been FUNDED!!! Thank you to everyone who has been helping fund this project it has really just been out of this world seeing how much you care for my little tasty DinoBite babies! 

With only 14 days left to fund Umami and Kona I KNOW we can do this! I'm over the moon excited and cant wait to see which DinoBites we will be bringing home!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!!

<3 - Mango @ DinoBites ! <3

5 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 06:04:07 AM

Nanners the Para has been Unlocked along side Strawbaby the Anky!! Thank you everyone for helping us get to this point in the kickstarter and in 16 days no less!!!

As you can see in our Goals section our next unlockable is going to be Diablo the pepper Carno! We are already so close to unlocking them so please share this project with your friends, retweet any posts you see and send me some good vibes! DinoBites are officially funded! Now we just have to unlock all of our new tasty friends!